‘Authentic Self‘ by Gretta Louw (EN)
‘Diskrete Grandezza‘ by Katharina Horstmann (DE)
‘Poetin mit Drill‘ by Ingeborg Harms (DE)
Tagesspiegel, No.25 232, 28/04/2023, p.B18
ZEITmagazin, No.41, 04/10/18, p.60
The World of Interiors, 06/2018 p.160-165
PIN-UP magazine, No.22, 05/2017 p.92
DEAR Magazin, 04/2017, No.1, p.193
Condé Nast Traveller, USA, 04/2016, p.41
RUM, Denmark, 02/2014 No.2, p.42
AD, Best of Germany, 10/2012 p.160
Abitare, 10/2012 p.62/63
Form, 09/2012 No.243, p.24
Baumeister, 08/2012 p.86
PIN-UP magazine, No.12, 05/2012 p.48/49
Vogue Business, Germany, 10/2010 p.96-99
Form, 2009 No.228, p.54
Vogue, Germany, 12/2008 p.168
Interni, 10/2008 p.26
Damn, 2008 No.18, p.154,157,159
Wallpaper, 08/2008 p.126
Damn, 2008 No.17, p.151,168
Elle Decoration, France, 2007 No.169, p.26
Elle Wonen, NL, 2007 No.125, p.40
Elle Decor, India, April 2007 p.94
Items Magazine, 2004 No.5, p.73
De Architect, 2004 No.10, p.96/97
100 WINDOWS, 2024, DCV Publishers, p.164/165 ISBN 9783969121863
FUMI – Together | The Power of Collaboration, 2021, exh. cat., p.32-35
FUMI – 10 Years of Collectable Creativity, 2018, exh. cat., p.1, 122-123
Floor Collage, 2018, exh. cat. in collaboration with Clément Chaubet, edition of 10
Idea Searching for Design, 2016, Bloomsbury Publishing, p.52 ISBN 9781472581969
Almost Secret, 2016, Corraini Edizioni, p.138 ISBN 9788875705848
Das Designbuch Berlin, 2013, Zitty Verlag GmbH, p.171/172 ISBN 9783922158691
Das Designbuch Berlin, 2011/12, Zitty Verlag GmbH, p.130,135,162 ISBN 9783922158363
The Infamous Chair – 220° Virus Monobloc, 2010, Die Gestalten, p.42-45 ISBN 9783899553178
Once Upon a Chair, 2009, Die Gestalten Publishers, p.175 ISBN 9783899552560
Modern Furniture, 2009, H.F.Ullmann Publishers, p.305 ISBN 9783833156281
Nullpunkt. Nieuwe German Gestaltung, 2009, p.98-101,167 ISBN 9783866782488
White Billion Chairs, 2009, exh. cat. with contributions by Volker Albus & Max Borka
Kunstjahr 2008, p.287, Lindinger + Schmid Publishers ISBN 9783929970722
Bright Minds Beautiful Ideas, 2003, Bis Publishers, p.222-226 ISBN 9063690622
Online 08/02/2022 – Respect for the beast 02/2018 – Authentic Self
Baunetz Woche 04/2017 No.488
Goethe Institut 10/2014 – Diskrete Grandezza French Television 12/2009 Video – Zoom Sur Berlin 09/2009 Aus der Komfortzone getreten
Auswä 06/2009 Video – Deutsche Kreativität 06/2009 – A Conversation with Tina Roeder 02/2009 Neues Deutsches Design – ein Rundgang